Hao Jie Ouch! It just HURTS~ | Chan's Kingdom
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built of paper.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Ouch! It just HURTS~

Nononono, don't panic yet. I was yelling that when I found my finger was " pricked " ( o_0) by ....

erm..... a tiny bit of my new hair..... Wait wait wait, stay! I am not making up the story, I have proves ! Hehe

See that red circle? That is the " pricked" spot. It does hurt... 

 Now, the question is, what made that tiny hole? And how does it gets into my thumb?

The culprit!!! A new-born bit of hair ( At least I think so...)  I was scratching my hair and then, when I put my hand down and did some fingers-stretching exercises, I felt pain in my thumb. There was a black string hanging on my thumb! well, I can't take it out with my bare hands, so I planned to pluck it out in the night.

I don't know when or how, it just " drilled " its own way deep into my thumb, and ... I had to go a long way to
pick it out. Lesson learnt: Don't wait if you want to do something. 9/10, It will go wrong T_T I learnt it the hard way.

Note: This happened last weekend, so my thumb is fine now, and I am trying to build my Charizard orz
My progress up to today:

Looks kinda messy, isn't it? =P


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Author: Chan HJ
An enthusiast in papercraft. Paper model designing sounds fun too! More about me at my Blog Bio or