Hao Jie Chan's Kingdom
SD Wing Zero Custom is done! Click here to check it out!

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built of paper.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Angry Bird- Blue!

While my friends are busy with their tutorials and reports... I made this. Well, the birds family is now completed, I am now deciding to build the piggies or not... 

Anyway, the photos!

Wahaha, my Birds Family, with other papercrafts in the background. 

Going to rest for 4 days, then SD Railway BuCue ( this really needs to be done, postponed for 2and a half months!!!), here I come!

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Angry Bird- White!

The White Bomber Bird. The white egg bomb is included as well.
 The feeling of holding a pen knife, it just feels sooooo good!

1,2,3 pewkkkk, kaboom!

The second last bird. I don't know why but this one gives me a special feeling while building it... perhaps it is because I made it without rushing anything :D

Till the next bird. Peeewwwww~

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Sunday, August 12, 2012

I am home!

After two and a half months, I can finally sleep on my own bed, for the first time!

However, this post is dedicated to two of my Malay friends, who left the college for a brighter future.

Me and my roommates. Guess who am I? :D

The one with the green shirt, Faza, left on 29/06/2012. The first Malay friend I made here. This photo was taken on the morning he left. Quite sad, but it's for a good reason. He got an offer in Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin and he accepted the offer immediately since he came from Terengganu, the state where the University is located.

My practicum mates. One was not in this photo since he was the photographer.

The one with blue shirt on the top left is Faiz, left for another programme in Egypt. He's quite close with me, we always sat together during the lecture, we're even in the same group for Biology assignment! I guess I'll just have to sit alone in the front row when no others want to join.

Till the next post, take care my pals!

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Friday, June 15, 2012

Kolej Matrikulasi Melaka

Hi there, it has been quite a long time since my last update. The thing is, there is no Wi-Fi access in my hostel! I can't use the computer the computer in the library to update right? So, bear with me for a while until they fixed the signal .( I don't know but my sixth sense tells me it isn't going to happen any sooner.)

So, KMM, the oldest Matriculation College in Malaysia. They say some of the best lecturers are here, but I can't really confirm that 'rumour'.

However, one thing for sure, it is definitely old. See the wall of my room below: ( photos were taken using handphone :(  )
See the building blocks? All the buildings from that age are the same. One of the lecturers says that they purposely did it, to make it tough. ( I guess that is the latest technology at that time? Or is it the most affordable one?) 
p/s: heard that it was for a faster construction, I don't know LOL 

Please ignore the shirts on the bed.....

The ceiling

Messy me.

The 'ampaian', or simply the place to dry your clothes indoor.

This is what I am worrying about. The rust. Lots of them. The old buildings ( 13 years, started in 1999) are all supported with metal....

While I had the worst registration here, it sure is fun and exciting here! Performed during the Closing Ceremony for the Orientation week, too bad it did not get recorded =P.

Many new friends of course. Oh, and I got one Indian and two Malays as my roommates. One Malaysia anyone? I will make sure we take a photo together. Very soon!

Okay, library is closing which means my Happy Hour is ending, until the next time, Ciao!

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